Martha The Dominator

 Martha The Dominator, Who is Martha the Dominator (Marta Dominadora)?

Depending on your religious background, she may be known simply as "St. Martha."

Martha the Dominator earned her name from common depictions.

In many pictures, she is holding a torch, a bible, and holy water,

with a dragon or snake under her feet. In terms of folklore,

Martha is generally regarded as the only female slayer of dragons.

Martha has gained a reputation for helping people to dominate a person or a situation.

Her story originates in France, where there was, according to legend,

a dangerous and deadly dragon. Martha was able to subdue

the dragon by using only holy water and a cross.

Once the beast was defeated, Martha tied it up using only a girdle.

It was for this feat that Martha's ability to dominate a seemingly

invincible enemy led to the legend surrounding her.

Strictly speaking, St. Martha is a patron saint of housewives, service workers, and hospitality.

However, many people pray to her when they need help taking charge of a difficult situation or person.

Although any person of any faith can pray to St. Martha,

[caption id="attachment_1767" align="alignnone" width="1009"] Martha The Dominator Martha The Dominator[/caption]

she is especially prominent in the Hoodoo religion.

Many swear by her ability to assist in control of challenging situations or people without causing any harm.

Some people choose to pray to Martha the Dominator in order to ask her to help

intercede in a situation where a boss is especially cruel or demeaning to his or her employees.

Though some people want to consult with Martha to ensure wealth,

it should be noted that she does not intercede in cases where extreme wealth is sought,

though she has been credited with helping people get enough to get by in temporary difficult situations.

Because Martha is a woman, many people assume that she will not work to dominate women.

Although it's been said that Martha prefers women,

she allegedly does not discriminate and can wield her power over any woman,

especially if this particular woman is not caring in motherhood.

 Martha The Dominator

So how does one go about praying to St. Martha?

Using  candles - especially those specifically dedicated to her - are a good choice.

In addition, anecdotal evidence has found that there are certain items that,

when offered to St. Martha, can increase chances of a successful intercession.

These offerings include sweet breads - such as pound cake,

white wine, perfume, water, and white flowers.

Many of these items are commonly available so it makes it

relatively easy to try to get in touch with Martha if need be.

Some people who have experience working with saints caution that not all saints accept everyone's request.

It's recommended that you talk to St. Martha, listen as best you can,

and make an offering. For a stronger connection, you may wish to get a candle that is especially attached to Martha.

You can do this by lighting a  Martha the Dominator (Marta Dominadora) candle.

Lighting this candle, especially in connection with other offerings

you've made, can make it more likely that Martha will respond.

If you want to really increase your chances, you can add a few

drops of Saint Martha Oil to the candle each time you burn it.

You may also want to purchase a  prayer card or prayer booklet designed

specifically for St. Martha or you may already have a prayer that you know is successful.

If you're new, though, it can help to have a prayer that you know

works for at least some people when they try to contact Martha.

Original Botanica carries a selection of Martha the

Dominator products for a wide variety of purposes and rituals.

Essentially, there is no way of knowing for sure whether or not

Martha will come to you when you call her. However,

you can increase your chances when you make a proper offering, open your mind and try to connect,

light a candle, and wait patiently for St. Martha to intercede for you.

It may take persistence and different combinations of offerings,

but those who have connected with her assistance it's well worth it.

Martha The Dominator

One great thing about petitioning saints is that by virtue of their sainthood

they are superior judges of character and situation.

Their blessing in the success of a ritual is ruled by a divine righteousness

and the spell will manifest strongly, quickly, and in the most beneficial way

possible while offering a strong spiritual protection and blessing.

They will never let you down when it comes to a ritual working

especially if the ritual is to bring about a healthier, happier, virtuous end. There are other spiritual entities, petitioned in desperation who will work with you to bring about evil - break up a family just because you want to fuck the husband, etc. but the saints will not do that. They will, however, cause ill to a bad person threatening the safety and life of others though.

While Anima Sola and Espiritu Intranquilo are the more famous methods of invoking a heartsick madness and domination over another, St. Martha the Dominator may be considered the "cleaner" alternative. She will help you have a strong power over any other person, persons, or situation. If you are not seeking to dominate someone to cause harm and in your heart know that what you are asking will cause happiness and peace, she will help you, even if you have never worked with her before. I owe many thanks to St. Martha's help! I often petition her in domination spells when I know my client has a pure agenda.
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