Deity Spells

 Deity Spells,One character idea (of many) I'm toying with is a cleric in service to Angharradh,

which is actually three goddesses in one,

and gives me a wide range of cleric types to choose from as well as a fun challenge for theming.

To represent this I'd like to try and take spells representing the three different aspects;

Aerdrie Faenya,Deity Spells, Hanali Celanil and Sehanine Moonbow.

Sehanine Moonbow is the easiest, as her domains of grave,

knowledge and light are pretty well covered by common Cleric spells like Guiding Bolt,

Guidance, Deity Spells and Spare the Dying or Gentle Repose, so I think I've got that area pretty well covered.

[caption id="attachment_1690" align="alignnone" width="1032"]Deity Spells Deity Spells[/caption]

Aerdrie Faenya's domains are life, tempest and trickery;

life is easily covered by healing spells (which I should probably take,

as the party's healer),

and I've got Create or Destroy Water for now for a touch of Tempest (since it can do rain).

Bane will probably cover trickery well enough for now as well I think.

The one I'm looking for suggestions for is Hanali Celanil; while her domain is also life,

her focus is very much love. The only spell I've found so far that feels like a good match is Warding Bond,

which creates a link with a target who gains +1 AC and all damage resistances,

but the caster takes any damage it suffers (i.e- damage is split between them and you).

This will probably do for lower levels,Deity Spells but I'd love to have a few ideas for what I might take later on.

Yes if you have necrotic resistance,

you will take half of the 4d8 damage and will heal for the full 4d8 since that would be double the damage you take.

As a War domain, I'm picturing that you would be in melee quite a bit,

Deity Spells which might have happened with Life as well.

You'll probably take more damage as a front liner than a heavily armored back or mid liner.

With Life domain, your healing spells provide 2+the spell

level extra hit points to the target from your 1st level ability and

your 6th level gives you 2+ the spell level hit points if it hits a creature other than you.

The damage that you would be soaking from Warding Bond and

taking from Life Transference would be healed in part by your heals,

potentially even Life Transference (I'm not 100% that Life Domain's abilities work with it,

but it's close enough that you could ask the DM and have a reasonable chance of getting it.

Or I might just be tired and think otherwise when I'm awake.) War Cleric doesn't have that built in,

Deity Spells so you'd have to be more judicious in using Life Transference and Warding Bond together.

The payoff would be that you would be helping the party defeat your

enemies much faster which should mean that they take less damage for you to heal.

Keep in mind that you can't reduce the damage that you take from Warding Bond,

you just take what your buddy takes and they're already getting resistance to all damage.

Your DM may rule differently and it's close enough that they might.

None of this really changes anything about how those spells interact with a War Cleric vs a Life Cleric,

it's simply a matter of the Life Cleric probably having more HP available to feel comfortable taking the extra damage.

You can still use the spells and you probably won't have to heal as frequently. Of course,

Deity Spells this analysis is also done in a vacuum and combat has a tendency to negate the best laid plans.

Deity Spells

I'll be starting at 3rd level,Deity Spells, so will have 1st and 2nd level spell slots initially,

but will need to fill others later on,

and I'm looking to theme the character through spell choice only for now (I likely won't be using the playtest Unity Domain).

I think I've probably exhausted what's in the Player's Handbook,

so please do suggest anything in other books (with a quick summary of what it does,

as the handbook is all I have unlocked at the moment).

Thanks in advance for any suggestions!

One character idea (of many) I'm toying with is a cleric in service to Angharradh,

which is actually three goddesses in one,

and gives me a wide range of cleric types to choose from as well as a fun challenge for theming.

To represent this I'd like to try and take spells representing the three different aspects; Aerdrie Faenya,

Hanali Celanil and Sehanine Moonbow.

Sehanine Moonbow is the easiest,Deity Spells as her domains of grave,

knowledge and light are pretty well covered by common Cleric spells like Guiding Bolt,

Guidance, and Spare the Dying or Gentle Repose, so I think I've got that area pretty well covered.

Aerdrie Faenya's domains are life, tempest and trickery;

life is easily covered by healing spells (which I should probably take,

as the party's healer),

Deity Spells and I've got Create or Destroy Water for now for a touch of Tempest (since it can do rain).

Bane will probably cover trickery well enough for now as well I think.

Deity Spells

The one I'm looking for suggestions for is Hanali Celanil; while her domain is also life, her focus is very much love.

The only spell I've found so far that feels like a good match is Warding Bond,

which creates a link with a target who gains +1 AC and all damage resistances,

but the caster takes any damage it suffers (i.e- damage is split between them and you).

This will probably do for lower levels, but I'd love to have a few ideas for what I might take later on.

I'll be starting at 3rd level,Deity Spells  so will have 1st and 2nd level spell slots initially,

but will need to fill others later on, and I'm looking to theme the character

through spell choice only for now (I likely won't be using the playtest Unity Domain).

I think I've probably exhausted what's in the Player's Handbook,

so please do suggest anything in other books (with a quick summary of what it does,

as the handbook is all I have unlocked at the moment).

Deity Spells

Thanks in advance for any suggestions!
Ceremony could be a flavorful option.

It's not overly powerful except for short duration ceremonies for coming of age and marriage as well as dedication.

It's in the XGTE.

I like Warding Bond and you might want to consider Life Transference that plays

into the same concept and can be used on targets other than your bonded buddy. It's also XGTE.

You sacrifice some of your health to mend another creature’s injuries.

You take 4d8 necrotic damage, and one creature of your choice that

you can see within range regains a number of hit points equal to twice the necrotic damage you take.

Both Life Transference and Warding Bond play best with Life

domain as you can heal yourself through the bonus heals that domain gives you.

Dawn deals damage, has ties to light domain,

Deity Spells is symbolic of the life and death cycle,

and the symbolism of the warm embrace of a loved one during a time of need would be on point,

particularly as that loved one was shielding you from harm by harming your enemies.

Flavored as the answer to prayers of those the party has left behind? I'd say it works. Also XGTE.

In reality, many of the Cleric spells already have flavorings of love since

they are typically dealing with some kind of devotion anyway.

The ones that deal with the dead could be flavored as Ancestors protecting the living

(Spirit Guardians) because of the kinship that they share.

Or the living communing with the dead to remember them and preserve their memory.

As a War domain, I'm picturing that you would be in melee quite a bit,

which might have happened with Life as well.

You'll probably take more damage as a front liner than a heavily armored back or mid liner.

With Life domain, your healing spells provide 2+the spell level extra hit points

to the target from your 1st level ability and your 6th level gives you 2+ the spell level

hit points if it hits a creature other than you.

The damage that you would be soaking from Warding Bond and taking

from Life Transference would be healed in part by your heals,

potentially even Life Transference (I'm not 100% that Life Domain's abilities work with it,

but it's close enough that you could ask the DM and have a reasonable chance of getting it.

Or I might just be tired and think otherwise when I'm awake.) War Cleric doesn't have that built in,

so you'd have to be more judicious in using Life Transference and Warding Bond together.

The payoff would be that you would be helping the party defeat your

enemies much faster which should mean that they take less damage for you to heal.

Keep in mind that you can't reduce the damage that you take from Warding Bond,

you just take what your buddy takes and they're already getting resistance to all damage.

Your DM may rule differently and it's close enough that they might.

None of this really changes anything about how those spells interact with a War Cleric vs a Life Cleric,

Deity Spells  it's simply a matter of the Life Cleric probably having

more HP available to feel comfortable taking the extra damage.

You can still use the spells and you probably won't have to heal as frequently.

Of course, this analysis is also done in a vacuum and combat has a tendency to negate the best laid plans.


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